Hey girls, I know there is a lot of you out there that are wanting to loose weight, and I've got this plan that I've been on for only a few days and already have results!! It is very simple and you don't have to change your diet all that much..
   All you need to do is cut wheat completely out of your diet.. EVERYTHING wheat. I know your probably thinking, hey wheat is healthy for you... yes it was.. but now a days they add a lot of chemicals and so that it doesn't help you loose weight at all.. Now I don't suggest you go out and eat all the fating food you can get without wheat in it because it won't be very effective then I don't know what you guys think, but come on, why not give it a try for a few weeks.. it won't hurt you. I will post every week on how much weight I have lost for the next month... I believe that it will help a lot.
   A doctor had a few of his patients do it for a month and they lost 30 to 40 pounds, now if your not that heavy and you don't need to loose that much (like me) then you wont in only a month you will loose whats healthy for your body... I wish you guys good luck and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask in the comments I WILL answer then. Also if you try it feel free to post your results... NO HATE PLEASE
  Like I said I will post my weight results each week. In one day of this I lost three pounds already!! Can't wait to see what a month does to me.. Good luck
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   Hey girls, I've done this diet for about a week and a few days and i have cheated 3 times! (Bad Me), but I still lost 5 pounds! I can look at myself and notice a little bit to. If you have tried this or are going to, its working on me and I hope it works on you! Good Luck. (And I'm going all this week with no cheating!!) Haha. 
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    I am a normal teenage girl who loves to help people. I really hope this site will help you. Good Luck Girls!
                            -The Creator


    February 2013

